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Abstract Topic: Human Resources and Organisations

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Determinant Factors of STEI Alumni Concern When First Entering the workforce [Case Study of STEI Alumni entry cohort 2012]
Syahrul Effendi (a*), Faris Faruqi (b)

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Syahrul Effendi

a,b) Department Of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia
Jalan Kayu Jati Raya 11A, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
a) arul.steijkt[at]
b) faris.faruqi[at]

This study of 2012 STEI entry cohort alumni survey report shows that the majority of alumni choose to work after graduation compared to entrepreneurship, continuing studies, or not working. There are several important aspects that need to be considered by alumni when applying to a company. This paper will discuss the aspects that are of concern to alumni when the company recruits new employees. These aspects can be useful to find out the perspective of STEI alumni in the world of work as an alumni preparation step and become an input for STEI or companies to enter the workforce. The data used in this paper came from the 2012 STEI Tracer Study database entry cohort. The research method used was factor analysis with the help of SPSS software. The results of the analysis show that of the 13 aspects that are assumed to be taken into consideration by companies in the recruitment of new employees, 7 aspects are obtained that can explain the interrelationships between aspects and can be grouped into four factors. The first factor is salary, the second factor is benefit, the third factor is the opportunity for self-development, and the last factor is closeness from home

Tracer Study;entry cohort;salary;benefit;opportunity for self development;closeness from home

Human Resources and Organisations


Joko Bagio Santoso (a), Yusuf Sidik (b)

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Joko Bagio Santoso

(a)Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia,
Jakarta, Indonesia
(b) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia

Career development of human resources in every organization become really important in increasing employee job satisfaction and organization performance in the future. Organization should endeavor to develop the level of job satisfaction by paying attention to their employee career. A supportive work environment and is supported by a good work discipline will help in increasing job satisfaction. The fact is, there are many employees with low levels of satisfaction and it has an impact on employee performance. This research aims to examine and find out the effect of career development, work discipline, and work environment to job satisfaction. The method of collecting data that is used for this research is using questionnaire and data analysis method using multiple correlation and determination coefficient. The results of research show that : (1) There is the effect of career development variable to job satisfaction. (2) There is the effect of work discipline variable to job satisfaction. (3) There is no effect of work environment variable to job satisfaction. (4) Simultaneously, career development, work discipline, and work environment affect to job satisfaction. The implication of this research is if the company want to increase the job satisfaction, then the company should develop career, increase work discipline, and create a supportive work environment.

career development; discipline work; environment work; job satisfaction

Human Resources and Organisations


Diah Pranitasari, Lilik Trianah

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Diah Pranitasari

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia

This study evaluates the counseling program of small traders in Pisangan Timur, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta, using the Kirkpatrick method, namely from the four level aspects, namely the reaction level, learning level, behavior level, and behavior level, and result level. This research uses quantitative analytic descriptive method. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to small traders in Pisangan Timur, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta. The results showed that in general the description of the evaluation of the extension program at the four levels of the Kirkpatrick model which included reaction rates, learning levels, behavior levels and outcome levels all gave excellent results for the extension program participants.

reaction, learning, behavior, results

Human Resources and Organisations


Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance In The Technology Era
Husain Nurisman; Dian Surya Sampurna

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Husain Nurisman

Husain Nurisman
Department of Management
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Dian Surya Sampurna
Department of Management
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract – Work-Life Balance developed in the twentieth century, especially in women who have difficulty balancing family responsibility and work duties. With the end of the 21st century, this problem is not limited to women but occurs to men and their partners, who work and have difficulty fulfilling both roles (family and work). One of the causes of disruption in fulfilling these roles is the existence of technology. Technology can make someone disturbed because when they are with their families they are still doing work mattres. It can cause conflict in the family or at work (work-family conflict) or it can also be caused by job stress (Job Stress). This research was conducted to determine the effect of work to family conflict and family to work conflict on work-life balance and job stress is used as a mediating factor affecting Work-Life Balance. This research also compares the effects that occur in men and women. By using 206 data of employees domiciled in JABODETABEK as the sample and applying a parsial least square - structural equation model (PLS-SEM) to analyze the data, this study tested five hypotheses. The results showed two important findings : [1] Work to family conflict can affect work-life balance even though job stress has no influence in mediating work-life balance. [2] Gender is not able to moderate the influence of Work to Family Conflict, Family to Work Conflict on Work-Life Balance through Job Stress. It implies that men and women have the same influence in achieving work-life balance.

work-life balance, work to family conflict, family to work conflict, job stress, rechnology Era, gender

Human Resources and Organisations


Factors Contributing to Employee Performance
Eka Winda Silitonga

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Eka Winda Silitonga

Magister Management, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, RW.5, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430

Abstract - Performance of civil servants describes public services of government institutions. To realize optimal public services, the government needs to improve the performance of the state civil apparatus. Based on the literature review, several factors that can affect the performance of civil servants are motivation, the role of leaders and work engagement. This study uses public service motivation variables to measure the motivation of civil servants, while the role of leaders is seen based on the authentic leadership style of leadership. This research is interesting because it was conducted in Indonesia, which was conducting a process of bureaucratic reform from 2010 to 2025 with a dynamic target of governance in 2025. Using a sample of 276 civil servants in one of the central government agencies, this study tried to explain what factors could be improve the performance of civil servants.

Employee performance, Public service motivation, Authentic leadership, Work engagement.

Human Resources and Organisations


Human Resource Developments Model in Islamic Banking
Alnisa Min Fadlillah, Krisno Septyan

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Alnisa Min Fadlillah

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta

In this era Islamic banking is growing rapidly. The development of products, services and infrastructure that support the optimization of Islamic banking to increases their market share. But unfortunately, this development is not supported by their human resources that should be the main movers in achieving business goals. Therefore, this research aims to provide information to Islamic banks in develop their human resources so that they can continue to increase their market share in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method using the spiritualism paradigm, the results of this study is recommendation for Islamic banking in term of developing of human resources model.

Human resource Development, Islamic banking, model of human resource development

Human Resources and Organisations


Zaid Robbany (a), Dr. Iman Sofyan Suriawinata (b), Dr. Nursanita Nasution (c)

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Zaid Robbany

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia

This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of quality of work life, organizational confidence in the organizational commitment of lecturers in universities in Jakarta. The population in this study were all PNS lecturers at Jakarta Fatahillah Education Foundation (YPFJ) lecturers at the Jakarta School of Economics (STEI). This research uses a quantitative method of causality. Data collection techniques were carried out using questionnaire data, namely primary data in the form of questionnaire data filled by 72 lecturers at STEI Jakarta. The method for analyzing is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results found that the quality of work life, job satisfaction and organizational trust had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. A good quality of work life, a favorable working environment and supporting job satisfaction of STEI lecturers can increase and encourage the level of lecturer commitment to STEI. Organizational Trust based on positive expectations of the organization has a significant effect on organizational commitment so that it can support the commitment of STEI lecturers to STEI institutions.

Quality of work life, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Trust, Organizational Commitment, Lecturer.

Human Resources and Organisations


Relationship Between Individual Characteristics and Organizational Culture With Organizational Commitment
Riane Johnly Pio

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Riane Johnly Pio

Business Administration Study Program Sam Ratulangi University

This study aims to determine individual characteristics, organizational culture and organizational commitment of cooperative managers. At present the existence of cooperatives as one of Indonesias economic agents is quite alarming. In fact, one of the missions of cooperatives in Indonesia is to strengthen the economy. This study seeks to find out how human resources manage a cooperative, then seeks to find suitable solutions based on aspects of organizational culture that are appropriate to local situations and conditions. To achieve the research objectives, data collection was carried out by questionnaire, while the analytical tool that will be used is SEM-PLS. The results showed individual characteristics significantly influence organizational culture, while organizational commitment had no effect. But organizational culture has a positive effect on organizational commitment. Based on the results of this study it can be recommended to improve organizational culture by paying attention to the values of mutual cooperation so that organizational commitment is stronger. This is very important in order to maintain the existence of cooperatives in the midst of aggressive market penetration of private business actors.

Individual Characteristics, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, SEM.

Human Resources and Organisations


Supervision of Attendance, Assessment and Compensation as a Factor to Improve Performance of Contractor Project Workers
Rojuaniah (a*), Lia Amalia (b), Elistia (b)

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Rojuaniah KA

Esa Unggul University

One obstacle for mid-scale contractor companies in developing project work performance is the lack of standardized systems and procedures for monitoring the attendance of their workers. Besides that, the standard on work evaluation is not yet running in relation to the calculation of compensation. This can lead to the emergence of fraudulent practices due to the difficulty of supervision which will have an impact on the decline in the performance of project workers and company performance. This study discusses more deeply about the preparation of the model design procedures for attendance reports, work assessment and performance-based compensation to improve the performance of contractor company project workers. This study aims to look at the effect of the level of attendance, job evaluation and compensation systems on the performance of contractor company workers. The object used in this study is a construction company in Jakarta with respondents used as permanent and contract workers. Data was collected through interviews, questioners and FGD. The data processing method uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques to measure the extent of attendance, work assessment and compensation affecting the performance of contractor workers. The results showed that the level of attendance, performance appraisal and compensation affect the performance of workers. A high level of attendance will increase the quantity of work. A clear job assessment in accordance with specified work standards and the provision of compensation in accordance with performance will encourage improvement in employee performance.

attendance, assessment, compensation, performance

Human Resources and Organisations


Dina Nurdianawati (a), Riani Rachmawati (b)

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Dina Nurdianawati

(a) and (b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia

Government employees are the most corrupted people based on data the last ICW report; accordingly, every government institution needs to establish whistleblowing as an early warning system, for preventing and detecting violations of discipline, ethics, and fraud. Any sophisticated whistleblowing system will only succeed by employee support and participation. However, encouraging employees to become whistleblowers is challenging. The focus of this study is [1] to examine the relationship between individual perceptions of moral intensity of whistleblowing intentions that are mediated by ethical decision making [2] and to examine the relationship between professional commitment and anticipatory socialization of whistleblowing intentions. This research employed quantitive approach using survey method by questionnaires. Information were collected from 268 respondents obtained from 6 government offices, which served foreign taxpayer and analyzed using SEM PLS. The results show moral intensity related ethics, ethical decision making, namely the recognition and consideration of perceptions of ethical issues, ethical approval, and ethical intentions. The results also show the recognition and importance received from ethical issues and positive assessments related to whistleblowing intentions. Meanwhile, the factors of professional commitment and anticipatory socialization also produce a positive influence on whistleblowing intentions. We suggest the next researcher explore other whistleblowing intentions from external factors, design more specific research of whistleblowing and expand the sample. This result provides input to Government institutions in supporting whistleblowing policies and systems effectively, by understanding which factors have more influence on employees- commitment to take whistleblowing action.

Moral Intensity; Ethical Decision Making; Professional Commitment; Antisipatory Socialization; Whistleblowing Intention

Human Resources and Organisations


The Impact of Cross Cultural Competence on Employee Performance Mediated by Global Mindset in Overseas Construction Projects. A Case Study of PT Wijaya Karya (PERSERO) Tbk.
Ahmad Amiriansjah Pabittei Business and Management Program Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI Jakarta, Indonesia dan Risa Bhinekawati Business and Management Program Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI Jakarta, Indonesia

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Ahmad Amiriansjah Pabittei

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

The international construction industry is one of the most strategic sector driving the global economy. The global construction industry is expected to grow by an average of 3.6% a year over the forecast period 2018 to 2022. PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk, as one of the biggest Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise in construction industy, has set their mission to establish footprints worldwide, that they started in 2007 on taking part in the oveseas construction projects. However, to make construction industry organizations, groups and project teams more efficient and effective, it is imperative to understand the role that culture plays within them. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the impact of cross cultural competence on employee performance mediated by global mindset in overseas construction projects. This study applied a quantitative approach focusing on cause and effect relationship among variables. The study involved 100 WIKA employees working overseas as respondents. The analysis technique used in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), with the help of SmartPLS program. The findings indicated that Cross Cultural Competence has positive impacts to both Global Mindset and Employee Performance. Global Mindset also has positive and significant impact on Employee Performance in Overseas Construction Projects. Interestingly, Cross Cultural Competence positive and siginficant impact to Employee Performance directly or being mediated by Global Mindset. This study provides empirical evidence and clarify the linkages between Cross Cultural Competence and Global Mindset on Employee Performance in the context of construction industry.

Cross Cultural Competence, Global Mindset, Employee Performance, Overseas Construction Projects, State-Owned Enterprise, SEM, PLS

Human Resources and Organisations


The Impact of Work-life Balance on the Loyalty and Performance of Female Employees Working in International Working Environment in Greater Jakarta
Melisa Melayansari and Dr. Risa Bhinekawati

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Melisa Melayansari

IPMI International Business School

Abstract – The role of women has been more recognized as vital player within organizations or companies. According to World Bank, the increasing the level of women participation at labour market could significantly boost countries- GDP. Companies that have more women in managerial positions have been able to handle risks more effectively, do better in managing relationship with customers, employees- shareholders and local communities. However, female employees have to overcome the challenges of having multiple responsibilities at work and personal life which exposes them to stress at work which may affect their performance as employees. Hence, this study aims to investigate the relationships among the variables work-life balance, employee loyalty and employee performance in the context of female employees working in international environment in greater Jakarta. This study applies quantitative approach with empirical evidence through conducting a survey to a total of 100 female employees working in international environment in greater Jakarta as respondents. For the analysis technique, this study uses Partial Least Square (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as a program to run the collected data. The findings of the study show that work-life balance has positive impact on employee loyalty and employee performance and employee loyalty has positive impact on employee performance. This study adds value to the previous researches gap and also expand the knowledge on human resource strategy to specifically improve loyalty and performance of female employees. The findings also give further exposure and insights for effective human resource strategy and policy to enhance female employee loyalty and performance in a company or organization.

Keywords - employee loyalty, employee performance, female employees, Indonesia, work-life balance

Human Resources and Organisations


The Influence of Leadership Communications Mediated by Feeling Valued and Involved, on Employee Engagement: A Case Study of PT Sanggar Sarana Baja Change Management
Antonius Hery Wibowo, Risa Bhinekawati

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Antonius Hery Wibowo

Sekolah Tinggi Management IPMI, Jakarta.

Change is inevitable in any business organizations to grow sustainably and build competitive advantage. Reluctance to change will adversely affect the organizations in competition. PT Sanggar Sarana Baja, a company established in 1977, realized the necessity of change. In the last five years, the Company has been performing continuous changes to pursue its transformation in becoming a leading engineering company in the mining, oil and gas industries. The Company has been performing proper communication on change management during the period. However, its engineers have not fully utilized the integrated engineering software. This affects the collaborative working environment and performances of the organization. According to interviews with relevant officials, there was a lack of communication on the process. Hence, this research aims to investigate the influence of leadership communication on feeling valued and involved, and on employee engagement. The three variables are considered suitable in illuminating the phenomena under research. The quantitative research is applied to analyze the relationship among the variables by surveying 100 employees of the company located in Jakarta Head Office and its workshop in Banten. The findings indicate that feeling valued and involved mediate the positive and significant impact of leadership communication on employee engagement. The study also reveals that leadership communication does not have positive and significant effect on employee engagement. This research provides empirical evidence on the relationships among the three variables in the context of an engineering company in Indonesia, which contributes to the theory and practice of leadership communication and change management.

leadership communication, feeling valued and involved, employee engagement, change management, Indonesia

Human Resources and Organisations


Rutinaias Haholongan (a*), Dedi Kusdinar(b)

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Rutinaias Haholongan

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia
Jalan Kayu Jati Raya Nomor 11 A Rawamangun
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract – Human resources are considered as an important source of development for the company, for the best use of human resources is not neglected to provide knowledge, skills and abilities that are controlled by employees with roles assigned to the organization. This study aims to explain whether the variable role conflict, role overload on job satisfaction. The sample used in this study was 130 respondents. This test is carried out using multiple linear regression analysis. Role conflict, role overload on job satisfaction has an effect of 47.2%. The implication of this research is that the company is expected to be able to reduce the excess workload by giving empathy, motivation, reward to employees, so that heavy work becomes lighter and job satisfaction is achieved.

role conflict; role overload; job satisfaction

Human Resources and Organisations


Meita Pragiwani, Dewi Arni, Mohammad Benny Alexandri

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Meita Pragiwani

Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the performance of the forensic examiner in the Puslabfor Bareskrim Indonesia Police (POLRI) by looking at the factors of quality of human resources, motivation and leadership partially or simultaneously and the variables that have a large influence in this study. The methodology used in this study is multiple regression analysis and the sample used is 78 employees. The results of this study are variables of quality of human resources, motivation and leadership have an influence on the performance of forensic examiners Puslabfor Bareskrim POLRI is 96.4%.

Quality of Human Resources, Motivation, Leadership, Performance

Human Resources and Organisations


The Role of Transformational Leadership and Workplace Spirituality on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Evidence from Indonesian Customs and Excise
Rudiyana; Fanny Martdianty,PHD

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Rudiyana Suhiri

Magister of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia – Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia

Organizational Citizenship Behavior is an ideal behavior that is needed by public organizations to increase the productivity of government insitution. This behavior can increase productivity because it can link the process between formal bureaucracy with administrative procedures and limited human resources. Based on previous research data, it is known that the level of satisfaction of customs and excise service users about human resource factors do not meet predetermined targets, that is the main reason for this research to be conducted, especially to find out the extent of leadership and workplace spirituality is able to influence organizational citizenship behavior. We all known that the success of an organization is depends on the employee behavior, which can be influenced by leadership factors and the workplace spirituality. This study investigates the underlying mechanisms and conditions that explain the relationship between transformational leadership and employee behavior. In addition, this study examines whether employee engagement and affective commitment moderate the influence of transformational leadership and workplace spirituality on citizenship behavior. A total data of 153 employees from one of Indonesian customs and excise office were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that transformational leadership and workplace spirituality were very influential on citizenship behavior. Furthermore, employee engagement and affective commitment fully mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and workplace spirituality on organizational citizenship behavior. Most of hypotheses were confirmed, as predicted, the results revealed that the employee engagement and affective commitment play a key role in mediating the impact leadership on OCB. This study provides information for policy makers about what employees do. We found that the transformational leadership and workplace spirituality factors were very important to be enhanced in customs and excise institution.

organizational citizenship behavior, transformational leadership, workplace spirituality, employee engagement, organizational commitment, customs and excise

Human Resources and Organisations


Tracer Study of Alumni Profiles And STEI Contribution to the Competence of Graduates at the Workplace (Case Study of 2012 STEI Alumni)
Muhammad Ramaditya; Syahrul Effendi

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Muhammad Ramaditya

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta

The purpose of this research is to know the Tracer Study of the alumni profile and STEIs contribution to the competence of its graduates in the world of work (case study on the 2012 Batch of alumni). This study uses sampling from the data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 2012 alumni for the past 4 months. The method used in cluster analysis finds an optimal grouping of observations or objects in each cluster that is the same, but different from each other. The STEI Tracer Study research report in 2012 class focuses on research on the target of STEI alumni respondents in the year of 2012. From some of the discussions and data obtained in this study, several conclusions can be drawn regarding the characteristics and profile of the respondent when undergoing lectures, the relationship between universities and work and current job conditions. Based on the characteristics of respondents, the amount of data entered is 303 alumni, with details of 94 men (31%) and 209 women (69%). Overall STEI 2012 alumni as a whole have an average IP score of 3.11. STEI alumni of the 2012 employment status currently are 251 people working, 5 people working and self-employed, 32 people are not working and 12 people are entrepreneurs. Overall, STEI was able to increase its contribution and more evenly related to the provision of competencies for students (not only focus on knowledge in related fields, but also soft skill and hard skill factors).

Tracer Study, Alumni Profile, Graduates Competencies, Entrpreneurship

Human Resources and Organisations


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